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I am what i am...young, Black & gifted


Monday, June 7, 2010


Unfortunately rejection is a harsh part of life that EVERYONE goes through; there are many different ways that one can get rejected. Maybe your spouse has been unfaithful, or you’ve been overlook from job or an organization. But through our disappointments, hurts and failures comes our greatest achievements and triumphs.
From a personal stand point ive seen many close associates being rejected for whatever reasons. You may have had all the qualifications and a perfect resume but someone in a higher position might have had some animosity against you. In order to overcome rejection you must let go of these shattered dreams are realize that it wasn’t meant to be. You don’t want be the broke forty year old rapper still talking about how he’s better than so-n-so and is still chasing a record deal, just let it go.
Maybe you have applied for a job and you’ve be told that you are overqualified or you’ve been overlooked for a promotion.If you too have experience this type of rejection you shouldn’t spend time looking in the review mirrorthinking about what could have been maybe this is a sign from God telling you to step out on faith and start that business you’ve always talked about. Maybe you’ve just ended a long term relationship because of unfaithfulness. This may be the toughest form of rejection, everyday now feels like an emotional rollercoaster and you can’t end the ride. But what’s done is done, we cannot go back and change the past, YOU must find it in your heart to forgive them, move on and try to live you best life now and remember the best is yet to come.

If things don’t turn out as we had hoped for whatever the reason , realize that God has another plan for you. God wouldn’t take you through something, that he felt you couldn’t overcome. When God allows one door to close, he will open up another one revealing a bigger and better opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. #agree. God will never put you in a situation you cant grow from or handle. Just trust in him and watever situation youre in WILL get better!!
